Causes and Risk Factors Mesothelioma

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Causes and Risk Factors Mesothelioma

Exposure to asbestos fibers is the only proven cause of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. Patients are most often exposed to asbestos in occupational settings.

How Mesothelioma Develops
Asbestos exposure is the only proven cause of mesothelioma. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, originally admired for its unique insulating and fire retardant capabilities. Asbestos comes in a variety of types with the most common being serpentine and amphibole. Amphibole is the most dangerous type of asbestos as it is the most likely to cause mesothelioma.

Causes and Risk Factors Mesothelioma
When asbestos exposure occurs, microscopic asbestos fibers can be inhaled or ingested. These fibers damage healthy cells and can cause genetic mutations. These genetic mutations affect cell division and cause mesothelioma tumors. Exposure is most likely when materials containing asbestos are disturbed or loosened, releasing asbestos fibers into the air. Mesothelioma may take between 20-50 years to show symptoms. Symptoms are often mistaken as a common cold or pneumonia with chest pain, breathing discomfort, or a consistent cough.

Occupational exposure is the most common method of exposure. Due to industrial asbestos uses in the past, men are more commonly diagnosed with mesothelioma than women at a ratio of 5 to 1.

What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral found in rock and other minerals, such as vermiculite. There are two main types of asbestos: serpentine and amphibole. Serpentine asbestos is generally less friable than amphibole asbestos. These categories of asbestos are further broken down into subcategories, but they are all tiny, thin fibers that make up the mineral. The average human hair is approximately 1,200 times thicker than an asbestos fiber.
There are different types of asbestos:

Causes and Risk Factors Mesothelioma

The cause of mesothelioma is always attributed to asbestos exposure, but determining when the exposure occurred can be difficult. In some cases, patients may not even realize they have been exposed to asbestos at all. Exposure can occur in unlikely places, including the household. Home insulation manufactured before 1975 contains asbestos, as well as many other building materials found in homes. However, when left undisturbed, most materials containing asbestos pose no immediate threat.

Remodeling work on older homes poses the risk of releasing asbestos fibers into the air by disturbing asbestos-containing building materials. Asbestos is not only found in homes, but also in cars. Brake pads, clutches, gaskets and insulation material can contain asbestos, especially in older cars.

The Environmental Protection Agency began requesting lists from American companies of their products containing asbestos in 1981, which eventually led to the Asbestos Information Act of 1988. Although asbestos is still used in the United States, this law requires manufacturers of asbestos products to submit detailed information on their products to the EPA.

Regulations regarding asbestos also categorize different types of asbestos into friable and non-friable asbestos. Friability is simply how easily a substance crumbles or breaks apart. Non-friable asbestos-containing materials are generally considered as relatively safe (when undisturbed). However friable asbestos-containing materials are much more dangerous. non-friable asbestos-containing materials are regulated in the United States; however, any asbestos-containing material can become friable.

Occupational Exposure
Occupational exposure to asbestosOccupational hazards are the most common cause of asbestos exposure. Prior to 1920, mining raw asbestos mineral was the most common exposure. However, an array of occupations like construction, military, machine work, and auto care began using asbestos materials in the 1940’s.

From this time until the end of the 1970s, approximately 27 million Americans had significant exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was heavily used in the 1960s and 1970s when the material became more common. However, production slowed as regulations began to be enforced in the early 1980s.

Construction and industrial production are the occupations that carry the highest risk of asbestos exposure. This is because asbestos was commonly used in building materials ranging from insulation to wiring and pipefittings. Asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) were common until the 1980s. Instances of occupational exposure began declining as working conditions and regulations regarding asbestos were established. This caused the subsequent decline of asbestos use in industrial materials.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for protecting workers from health hazards by enforcing regulations on uses of asbestos-containing materials. Standards enforced by OSHA have tremendously decreased occupational exposure to asbestos. However, exposure is still possible if workers aren’t aware of materials containing asbestos. The main occupational protection standard, known as the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for asbestos, was established in 1986. Other federal agencies that set regulations for safe conditions with regard to asbestos exposure include the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).

Military veterans, especially those who served during World War II, face the highest exposure to asbestos materials. Navy veterans have significantly higher rates than any other branch due to the heavy use of asbestos on ships and submarines. Veterans exposed to asbestos during active duty may qualify for benefits from VA

Top 10 High-Risk Occupations :

  •     Railroad Workers
  •     Ship Builders
  •     Factory Workers
  •     Construction Workers
  •     Miners
  •     Electricians
  •     Insulation Installers
  •     Automotive Workers
  •     Power Plant/Refinery Workers
  •     Plumbers
Secondary Exposure
Secondary exposure to asbestosSome mesothelioma victims do not remember where they were exposed. Others may not even realize they were exposed. It is possible these individuals had secondhand exposure to asbestos. Spouses of construction or factory workers are the most common example of secondary exposure. Many workers returned home with asbestos fibers on their clothes, skin, and in their hair. Secondary exposure occurred from contact with the directly-exposed spouse and even from doing laundry.

Secondary asbestos exposure has occurred in occupational environments as well. Any workers who spent time around employees exposed to asbestos could be at risk.

Lastly, secondary asbestos exposure has occurred in communities where asbestos was released into the air from nearby factories manufacturing asbestos materials, shipyards, mills, mines, and building demolitions.

Libby, Montana
Libby, Montana is an example of mining leading to secondary exposure. W.R. Grace and Company took over the vermiculite ore mine in Libby in 1963. Despite knowing the dangers of asbestos, the mine operated without regulations until 1990. The EPA has spent over $450 million on the cleanup, and at least 300 deaths have been attributed to this one location. The Affordable Care Act offers financial assistance for mesothelioma victims and public health emergencies like Libby.

Naturally Occurring Exposure
Natural exposure to asbestosSome people may come into contact with naturally occurring asbestos fibers. This classification of asbestos refers to the naturally occurring minerals found in underground rock, which is mined and used in commercial building materials. Most naturally occurring asbestos is too deep underground to be easily disturbed. However, there are some areas where naturally occurring asbestos is close enough to the surface to pose a threat to people in the immediate vicinity. As such, there is a significant threat of occupational exposure to naturally occurring asbestos for miners.

Although rare, there is potential for water contamination from run-off of land erosion. When it rains, the naturally occurring asbestos has the possibility to contaminate natural water supplies, like rivers or lakes. This happens when dirt is pushed down a mountain or hillside by the rain. One instance of water contamination was in Coalinga, California. The Coalinga Asbestos Mine covers over 120 acres and has contaminated the water supply through mining activities.

Risk Factors
There are several risk factors that account for the development of mesothelioma and can increase the risk of cancer. The basic factors which increase the risk of developing mesothelioma are:
  •     Occupation
  •     Type of Asbestos
  •     Exposure Duration/ Frequency
  •     Previous Lung Disease
  •     Working Conditions
  •     Breathing Rate While Exposed
  •     Weather
  •     Exposure Concentration
One of the most prominent factors involved in asbestos exposure is work history. Today, occupational exposure does not pose the same threat it did before the 1980s due to standards of permissible exposure limits and other regulations. However, this risk is higher if working conditions did not meet these standards. Before the 1980s, working conditions with respect to asbestos exposure varied depending on the specific profession. Miners, for example, were likely to be exposed to higher concentrations of asbestos because of the poorly ventilated working conditions.

Another factor closely related to concentration is the breathing rate of the worker during exposure; more fibers are likely to be inhaled with a higher the breathing rate. Weather during the time of exposure is also a factor because rainy weather lowers the particulate count of fibers in the air. Therefore, dry weather during exposure increases the risk of developing mesothelioma.

People who are most at risk for mesothelioma include: men, those over 65 years of age, and military veterans. Over 75% of mesothelioma deaths are men. This makes sense as most asbestos exposure occurred in construction related occupations historically dominated by men. Mesothelioma symptoms usually appear in patients between the ages of 50 and 70 years old. However, they can occur in patients as early as their 20’s if they were exposed at a young age. There are also certain states where instances of mesothelioma are more common.

Those who believe they have been exposed to asbestos should be aware of the symptoms associated with asbestos related diseases. These may be harder to detect when they occur in people with chronic breathing issues like asthma, so staying conscious and aware of your health is key. Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos should consider seeing a physician who can test for any abnormalities.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Being aware of the risk factors associated with mesothelioma is the best way to protect yourself from exposure and decrease your risk of developing this cancer.
