Lung Cancer Facts - The Matter Of Remaining Alive
Lung Cancer Facts - The Matter Of Remaining Alive

Contrary to public opinion, other than aggravating the conditions, the association between smoking and mesothelioma. But not to underrate the effects of smoking since it greatly increases the risk of other asbestos motivated cancers.
For their relatives and friends, once they have been informed, these facts are also of concern, but out of a sensitivity to this cancer's victim, they will not ask the victim directly. They'll come to the net to get the answers. So, let's look at some of the direct facts about lung cancer. Having the appropriate knowledge of this certain condition would definitely help you deal with a relative or friend’s situation. Most especially with regards to showing a more suitable sympathetic approach to the person involved.
Lung cancer for a fact is a very difficult condition to detect. Oftentimes, it is discovered too late. This is because our lungs don’t have any pain nerves in it. You cannot normally tell if you have lung cancer until the major symptoms appear, the principal one being the coughing up of blood. X-rays of lungs may show a spot that does not appear to be cancerous, only to become so later on. Late detection of lung cancer makes it even more drastic to the affected person. This means that your relative or friend is in a state of shock when they learn that they have been stricken. It would surely affect their whole being. Their doctor has told them, depending on the cancer's stage, that they have a little time left. The level of anxiety that these people exhibit varies from person to person. Thus, it is very much needed for the people around them to be sensitive to the person’s feelings. Your best first response is to tell them you are sorry to hear of it. Don't hesitate to show your own grief. To know that you are as disappointed as they are will prove to be a comfort.
Allow your friend or relative to disclose their doctor’s prediction of their condition at present. Cancer stage development is the main indicator of how long a patient’s life could be. However, lung cancer survival seems to be colder than it is expected. In some cases, patients may survive and continue to live for a few more years; and in very rare cases, full remission may be possible. However, stage progression for this type of cancer is quite poor. Typically, lung cancer patients receiving chemotherapeutic treatments may observe a span of 4.8 months with no progression of cancer at all. Yet, in a lot of cases, lung cancer still progresses and the patient survive the utmost of 10.3 months after he or she was diagnosed.
Annually, facts on lung cancer survival keeps on changing, due to a lot of new studies, treatments and drugs being introduced in the market. One of the major breakthroughs in the study of lung cancer survival is the coming up of the drug named Erbitux in the year 2008, wherein it increases the span of survival to 5%, from the previously stated 10.1 months, it is now at 11.3 months. The possibility of surviving for a year or more thus grew from 42 to 47 percent. Even at the time of this writing, new drugs are being developed.
Studies have shown that even people short exposure of 1 to 3 months can put a worker at risk. Naturally occurring asbestos locations are another source of exposure. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial, including roofing shingles, brake pads and linings, cement, insulation, textiles and flooring products.
Many years of asbestos exposure gives way to various lung diseases like asbestosis and the so called asbestos caused lung cancer. Asbestosis, the preliminary condition of an asbestos exposed person, may be defined as the formation of scar tissue also known as fibrosis within the lungs, thus putting a limit to its expansion. Further unrelenting exposure to asbestos significantly leads to pleural plaques, malignant mesothelioma and pleural effusion. Malignant mesothelioma maybe defined as a rare type of cancer mainly caused by asbestos exposure. Most of the people affected by this are known as smokers. Learn more about asbestosis and mesothelioma litigation at
With the alarming number of people getting these types of occupational diseases, a lot of asbestos settlements, asbestos compensation and asbestos lawsuits are brought out in the open. It is the right of every worker to have a well secured and healthy workplace, as such, it is their sole right to be taken care of by their companies once they get sick because of their company’s mess. Learn more about mesothelioma claims at
Other fact on chemotherapeutic treatments is that it may cause temporary hair loss in the first few months of the therapy. It also causes anemia and some rashes which are all temporary. The side effects of chemotherapy are based on the therapy itself. It stops once the treatment has ended. Always keep in mind that in whatever you do with your friend or relative, constantly do it with utmost compassion, gentleness and love. Never forget to put a smile on your face when dealing with them because it is one medicine that always lightens the burden that they are carrying at the moment.