Alice Fight For Life

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British multinational Cape had an infamous factory called Acre Mill above the northern English town of Hebden Bridge.

In 1982 Yorkshire Television produced an award winning documentary about the deadly cancers caused by exposure to asbestos. It was a shocking exposee into the asbestos industry that led a trail of death from the mines of Canada and Southern Africa to the factories and workplaces of Britian and beyond.

The 90 minute documentary had a running theme through it of one woman's struggle with asbestos Cancer. Alice Jefferson, a lady with a young family was diagnised with terminal cancer. She was only in her mid 40's when she died.

This documentary remains a stark reminder- almost 30 years on- of the damage caused by asbestos in all its commercial forms- white, brown and blue.

To Canada's shame our great nation still mines and markets chrysotile asbestos to the Developing World. Those who support this have blood on their hands and canadian asbestos dust in vulnerable peoples' lungs.