Mesothelioma - When Things Get To The Heart Of The Matter

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Mesothelioma - When Things Get To The Heart Of The Matter

Pericardial Mesothelioma is generally referred to as the third form of the Mesothelioma cancer. Perhaps this is because it is the least common, although just as deadly. 

Mesothelioma - When Things Get To The Heart Of The Matter

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a unique form of cancer. It impacts the pericardium. This is a form of mesothelium that surrounds the heart like a bag. The pericardium sac is heavily lubricated and provides a friction free method for the heart to beat.

How does Pericardial Mesothelioma develop? It is not entirely clear. It is generally believed that the offending asbestos fibers are breathed into the lungs. Over time, they burrow through and into the mesothelium protecting the lungs. From here, they either transit up to the sac or perhaps go directly from the upper lungs to it. Regardless, the effects are deadly.

Once in the pericardium sac, the asbestos fibers start cutting and ripping the sac when it moves. This causes scarring and abnormal growths to occur. These growths, of course, can be come cancerous over time due to abnormal cell generation. The symptoms of the disease usually are intermittent chest pain, heart palpitations, coughing, shortness of breath and irregular heart beat. If these sound like the symptoms of a heart attack or heart problem, you are right in thinking so. This is also why Pericardia Mesothelioma is almost always misdiagnosed by physicians.

The treatment for this form of cancer is the same for other forms – aggressive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In this case, surgeons will often immediately operate to remove part of the sac and diaphragm as well depending on the case. Overall, the disease is usually only discovered really late and successful treatment is rare. Fortunately, Pericardial Mesothelioma consists of only five percent of all Mesothelioma cases.

If you have any concerns that you might have symptoms of Pericardial Mesothelioma, there is only one course of action. Get yourself to a Mesothelioma expert as soon as possible!